
jueves, 26 de abril de 2012

Condilomatosis laringea.

 El interrogante era, cuan frecuente es la lesion condilomatosa laringea, lo publicado es lo siguiente:
Human papilloma virus (HPV) infection is one of the most frequently observed sexually-transmitted diseases (10-60% of the general population). In pregnant women, as well as accelerating the evolution of dysplasia to cervical cancer, the infection may be transmitted to the fetus during gestation or at the time of birth. Children who have been infected at birth may develop laryngeal papillomatosis during the first 5 years of life that may, in some cases, spread to the point of causing aphonia or severe respiratory obstruction. There is also the risk, although it is very low, of a carcinomatous degeneration of the larynx in these subjects during adulthood. The hypothesis of the present study was to verify the prevalence of HPV infection in a population of pregnant women and the prevalence of maternal-fetal transmission.


Positive HPV-DNA results in at least one of the three samples collected during the various periods of gestation was 31.2%, whilst in the population in which all the planned samples were performed the frequency of positive cases was 30.4%. Positive results for HPV-DNA in oropharyngeal secretions from neonates was 21.7%. The concordance of positivity for HPV-DNA in mothers at the time of labour and in their respective neonates was 57.14%.
 Lo que no se aclara es cual es el porcentaje de los infectados que desarrollarian la enfermedad.

En otro trabajo
 Cuando se habla de la Papilomatosis Respiratoria Recurrente (PRR)  dice:
Factores de riesgo para papilomatosis laríngea
El virus VPH 6 y 11 son los tipos más comunes en los condilomas acuminados y múltiples investigadores reportan la asociación entre las madres quienes tienen infección por VPH y su incidencia con RRP. En series distintas del 50 al 70% de los pacientes quienes tienen RRP en su forma juvenil nacieron de madres quienes habían tenido verrugas genitales durante el embarazo. Se presenta comúnmente en: niños del primer nacimiento, nacimientos vaginales y nacimientos de madres adolescentes. El porcentaje de la infección clínica de la mujer embarazada en los Estados Unidos se estima entre el 1.5% y el 5%, sin embargo solo 1 en 400 niños quienes nacieron de madres quienes tuvieron condilomas activos, contraen la RRP.(pág. 12) 

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